Indian Motorcycle is America's oldest motorcycle company. They launched America's first motorcycle back in 1901, and their innovation has led to their resurgence and dominance of the category in recent years. With that said, you don't get anywhere good by staying put. The brand wanted to evolve.
The Brief: IMC tasked us with relaunching the brand under one pretense: establish the company as THE American motorcycle company.
The Strategy: It isn't done, until it's done right. That's how Indian Motorcycle came to make the first bike back in 1901, and it's how they continue to build them today. We embraced this notion of "done right" in our "Set the Standard" campaign, a rallying cry for all of those who put their all in the work don't quit until the job's done right.
The Result: an integrated TV, Print and Digital campaign that celebrates the makers, doers and visionaries out in the world.
We partnered with Director (and famed Obi Won impersonator) Ewan McGregor to help us bring our vision to life.
Alex: "Ewan, you didn't technically have the 'high ground.' "
Ewan: "Oh yeah? Ask Google,"
Alex: *Checks out memes* "By golly, it's true! You did!"
We leveraged Indian Motorcycle's lifestyle photography to introduce the "Set the Standard" voice.
The print campaign was featured in CommArts

Design / Art Direction: Good Fortune Collective