Big Ten Network - BTN2GO Basketball 

Big Ten Network had a new APP, BTN2GO. They wanted the world (and their fans) to know about it. 

The Brief: Position the app as the one stop shop for all things "your team." If you were a fan of a big ten school, this app would have everything you needed, from news, to highlights, to live game streams. 

We had to achieve this during the Big 10 Basketball Media day. We had 10 minutes with each coach and were not allowed to use any props or complex dialogue. 

Art Directors: Meredith O'Berg and Leeya Jackson

The :30 provided some obstacles in that we had to make sure and feature all 14 teams. We opted for a supercut with some new elements sprinkled in. 

The :30 (featuring all 14 teams)

The :15S (there were 14 total)

Digital Radio

Because sometimes you have to write ads for one-off matchups.